Your Community is Calling
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, March 27, 2016 from 11am-5pm
The 3rd competition of the Mad Bro Xtreme Amateur Games is a Scooter Comp. Cash, and prizes will be awarded. Winners are allowed to compete in the final.
The Games consist of 10 competitions For BMX, Skate And scooter riders of all ages throughout this year . There are three levels for all ages , Beginner, Int. and advanced.
Sign up online at or at the Skate Park.
Sunday, March 27, 2016 from noon-5pm
PDX Permaculture
Sunday, March 27 at 12:00 PM
Rethinking Permaculture Vernal Equinox Convergence: Everyday Strategies forCompassionate Living There will be a Permaculture Demonstration at Kailash...
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, March 27, 2016 from 2-4pm
Based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing junta: Heather, Heather, and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D., who plans to put the Heathers in their place -- six feet under.
Heathers: the musical is a Northwest Premiere, and a Collaborative effort with STAGED! theatre company.
Directed by Diane Englert
Musical Director - Jonathan Quesenberry
Our space fits up to 150 people with limited handicap capacity. If you need special seating accommodations, please contact immediately.
Buy Tickets at
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, March 27, 2016 from 3-5pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, March 27, 2016 from 2-4pm
“The Lady Aoi” tells the story of a living ghost. Mouawad: “I didn’t know what a living ghost was until I read this work. In Japanese culture, someone who is out of control with jealousy will unintentionally, in their sleep, bring to life their own living ghost. This ghost will walk the earth and inflict danger on the cause of the jealousy.” The living ghost Lady Rokujo (Jeannie Rogers) haunts Lady Aoi (Gwendolyn Duffy) who is being treated for sex complexes at a strange hospital run by a peculiar nurse (Emily Welsh). On the night of this play, Lady Rokujo encounters Lady Aoi’s husband. The original story has its roots in one of Japan's most legendary collection of stories, “The Tale of Gengi,” written by Murasaki Shikibu in 1005 (on this site – considered “a badass chick of Japanese History”). The first ever novel serial was so popular with the Japanese that by the 15th century the Japanese Noh Drama of the same name had become and remains one of the most popular Noh Dramas to date.
Previews – Mar 11 to 17
Opens and Plays – Mar 18 to 27
Show times are Thurs, Fri and Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:00
$15 to $25 pay what you can
For mature audiences, adult content, nudity
Tickets can be purchased at the door, or, or by calling: Imago Theatre 503.231.9581 TicketsWest 503.224.8499
Jerry Mouawad returns to the stage after an 18-month hiatus (last production: Pinter’s “The Homecoming” Oct 2014). Mouawad is staging a Japanese fusion work by Yukio Mishima entitled “The Lady Aoi” that opens at Imago Mar 11. Yukio Mishima is considered one of the most important Japanese authors of the 20th century; he was nominated three times for the Nobel Prize for Literature. For the erotic ghost tale “The Lady Aoi,” Mishima modernized a 15th century Noh play, setting it in a 1956 hospital. Mouawad promises a highly- stylized production accompanied by percussionist Blade Rogers, with sound design by John Berendzen (Liminal) and Greg Ives, lighting by Jeff Forbes and costumes by Sarah Mainsfield, with influences from experimental icon writer/director Richard Foreman (a landmark presentation in 1997 “Pearls for Pigs”in Portland)and riffs from Belgian director Ivo Van Hove (current innovative NY staging of Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge).
Monday, March 28, 2016 from 7-8:30pm
In the third installment of the Portland edition of ONDA’s High Desert Speaker Series, Dr. Tom Connolly shares his experiences as one of Oregon’s preeminent cultural anthropologists.
From incipient agriculture to paleoenvironmental studies and geoarchaeology to cultural resource management, Dr. Connolly has a special understanding of the high desert’s unique archaeological features.
Archaeological work over the past two decades, and continuing study of museum collections made decades ago, are providing new insights on Oregon’s first peoples. Dr. Connolly outlines recent studies that have pushed back evidence for the earliest human presence in the region to about 15,000 years ago, and reviews museum specimens for a clearer understanding of the timing and range of key ancient cultural traditions.
Join us as Dr. Connolly takes us on a journey thousands of years in the making.
The event will take place at Portland's First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Avenue in the Park Blocks. The event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited; please pre-register on Eventbrite.
Monday, March 28, 2016 from 7-10pm
PDX Permaculture
Monday, March 28 at 7:00 PM
Register through PDX Permaculture and receive a 5% discount off of OSU's advertised price! Details below... Andrew Millison, of Oregon State Universit...
KBOO Community Radio
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 from 6-8pm
"Assata Shakur talks about socialist development in Cuba." The former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army cadre who has had political asylum in Cuba since 1984, talks about socialist practices in Cuba, racism, patriarchy, and the way forward for socialist politics.
The All African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) is hosting its annual discussion events as a way of informing discussion about the worldwide struggle for Pan-Africanism, which we define as one unified socialist Africa. We believe Pan-Africanism is the key to the problems facing over 900 million Africans who are scattered and suffering in 113 countries. We also believe Pan-Africanism is our contribution to the worldwide movement for peace, justice, and scientific socialism.
Also, don't forget that the A-APRP feeds children every Monday and Friday at Colombia International Cup Coffee Shop in N. Portland. Look for us to expand our work with other local organizations in New Columbia to help build an independent African school there. Contact us at for more information.
Here is the list of future screenings:
Wed, Apr 27th - "Kwame Ture on zionism as Africa's Enemy" Smith 236
Wed, May 18th - "A Message from Women in Gambia" Smith 333
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 from 6:30-8:30pm
PDX Permaculture
Wednesday, March 30 at 6:30 PM
Newbee? Wannabee? You won’t be …after tonight! In 2 hours, Brian will tickle our blossoms with more info on bees than you thought existed! We'll learn...
Price: USD 10.00 per person
KBOO Community Radio
Friday, April 1, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
KBOO Community Radio
Friday, April 1, 2016 from 7:30-9pm
Based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing junta: Heather, Heather, and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D., who plans to put the Heathers in their place -- six feet under.
Heathers: the musical is a Northwest Premiere, and a Collaborative effort with STAGED! theatre company.
Directed by Diane Englert
Musical Director - Jonathan Quesenberry
Our space fits up to 150 people with limited handicap capacity. If you need special seating accommodations, please contact immediately.
Buy Tickets at
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Join Friends of Trees at the second of two plantings to help add additional pollinator habitat in Wilsonville! The plantings are in partnership with the City of Wilsonville. Please note that this planting will be along pollinator habitat on Wilsonville Road and is not appropriate for planters under 14 years of age.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-4pm
PDX Permaculture
Saturday, April 2 at 9:00 AM
Whether you're a classroom teacher, garden educator, daycare provider, parent or community activist wanting to engage more with teaching youth and chi...
Price: USD 50.00 per person
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Join Friends of Trees in celebrating Arbor Day with the City of Salem by helping plant at local park or schoolyard. Details to come, so please check back! You can expect the event to run like our other events:
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-1pm
In partnership with the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church with support by Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District, Friends of Trees is honored to be part of the plant revegetation work occurring on the Church's campus in order to reduce invasive weeds and increase native habitat!
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Join Friends of Trees as we plant native trees and shrubs and remove invasive English ivy from Tranquil Park. The City used goats this past Fall to help remove large portions of the ivy and now it's our turn!
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Join Friends of Trees in celebrating Arbor Day with the City of Salem by helping plant at this local community park!
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9am-noon
In the early 1900’s Johnson Lake was the premier recreation site in its area. The lake was fed by groundwater springs and the water was so clear your could see to the bottom. In our lifetimes, the lake has seen various forms of pollution. A rigorous clean up effort began once the property was acquired by the city in the ‘90s. Continue to contribute to the health of the Johnson Lake natural area with us by casting native plant seeds at our April 2nd work party. It’s a three step process that includes roughing up the soil, casting seed, and covering the planting area with mulch. This is a great activity for families and groups. Join us! This event runs rain or shine! Be sure to dress for the weather and bring water, rain gear and sturdy shoes. Snacks, tools, training and gloves will be provided. Parents should note that there is a water body on this site. This opportunity is open to volunteers 14 years and older, unless accompanied by an adult. Registration is requested. Is your business or community group looking to volunteer? Groups are welcome! Please contact the Council independently if you are registering with 5 or more persons. Activities include: Native Planting.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9-11:30am
The City of Seaside, Seaside Downtown Development Association, and Beach Drive Buccaneers invite you to join with us in cleaning up marine debris on our favorite Oregon Beach. Organized cleanups will take place, rain or shine, the first Saturday of every month. Sign in at The Seashore Inn on the Beach, 60 N. Prom, Seaside, get your bag, and, when done, drop it in a trash receptacle along the Prom. Stay the day and enjoy our shops and restaurants.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10am-1pm
Bark Grafting
Saturday April 2nd, 10am - 1pm
NE Portland, Woodlawn neighborhood
In this hands-on workshop you will learn the basic techniques of bark grafting (topworking). This method of grafting will allow you to combine different varieties and species of fruit into a single tree during the Spring season. This fun workshop will be an opportunity for you to gain a basic understanding of different grafting methods and when they should be used.
About the instructor:
Rick Shory has always worked with plants. In addition to gardening, he has grown and pruned fruit trees, including over 30 years experience grafting. In 2010, he returned to the Pacific Northwest after ten years in Colorado, where he worked in environmental field research and had a home orchard and permaculture. His botanical specialization is grasses.
The location address and other details will be provided after you register.
Register at:
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 7-10pm
A 9/11-themed event that includes a memorial to 9/11 victims, screening of latest 9/11 documentary from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and local 9/11 Truth outreach descripton and recruitment. Architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of AE911Truth and
former firefighter Dale Pierce will be guest speakers at the the event.
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 7-9pm
Pacific Northwest Film Tour:
Firefighters Architects Engineers: Expose 9/11 Myths
Introduction & Q/A Live w/ Richard Gage
Watch the trailer:
Richard Gage, a San Francisco Bay area architect, is the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is an organization of architects and engineers who dispute the results of official investigations into the September 11 attacks, including the 9/11 Commission Report.
$10 / $5
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 North Interstate Avenue, Portland, OR, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 7:30-9pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier, March 11, 2016‐April 10, 2016 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (5340 North Interstate Avenue), Portland, Oregon (Fridays and
Saturdays) at 7:30 pm (Sundays) at 3:00 pm. Special Talk Back discussions with playwright, Kermit Frazier, and others following performances on March 20 and March 21st. Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King,
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 8-10pm
The continuing tales of one woman's transformational journey.
Be a co-creator of fun, experimental theater that has never been done or seen before! You are the audience as well as the inventor. There is something for everyone when actress, singer, songwriter, dancer and general wacky, warm-hearted innovator Gabrielle Juliette (Widman) along with her mischievously talented musical companions offer you a night of unusual fun, entertainment and deep contemplation.
Let's celebrate the endurance, joys and challenges of the human spirit together! There will be song, dance and dramatic theater, as well as improvisational audience participation.
(Pssssssst.... it is all easy and fun!)
Leave the kids at home....there will be some nudity and adult themes.
How much?
$15 for prepaid tickets or $20 at the door the night of the performance.
Tickets available at
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 7:30-9pm
Based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing junta: Heather, Heather, and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D., who plans to put the Heathers in their place -- six feet under.
Heathers: the musical is a Northwest Premiere, and a Collaborative effort with STAGED! theatre company.
Directed by Diane Englert
Musical Director - Jonathan Quesenberry
Our space fits up to 150 people with limited handicap capacity. If you need special seating accommodations, please contact immediately.
Buy Tickets at
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, April 3, 2016 from 3-5pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
Sunday, April 3, 2016 from 7-10pm
PDX Permaculture
Sunday, April 3 at 7:00 PM INHABIT explores the many environmental and agricultural issues facing us today and examines solutions th...
Price: USD 9.00 per person
Monday, April 4, 2016 at 9am through Friday, April 8, 2016 at 4pm
9am through Friday, April 8 at 4pm
PDX Permaculture
Monday, April 4 at 9:00 AM
Insulation equals warmth. In temperate climates like Oregon’s its necessary for your home to have a jacket in the winter (and to make sure its zipped...
KBOO Community Radio
Monday, April 4, 2016 from 6:30-8pm
Hey, you can take a class at the Portland Underground Grad School entitled, "The Problem with Privilege: Bias, Fragility, and Taking Action to End Racism": For full information, check out the website:
This class is:
For those who have a hard time putting their finger on progressive "liberal" forms of racism, and want to be able to name it and/or correct it constructively.
For the person who wants a new way to effectively understand and interrupt "isms" of all sort.
For those who want to be a powerful ally, and take on race issues without co-opting the issue or otherwise interfering with a community driven process.
For anyone who struggles with how to "fix" privilege - you get the idea, you know you have it, but how to remedy the effects when it's largely blind to you (when you didn't ask for it)?
For anyone who wants to explore the concepts of White Fragility more completely. It's SUPER HANDY, don't be thrown by the name.
This class meets weekly, on Monday evenings, through April.
KBOO Community Radio
Thursday, April 7, 2016 from 7-8pm
Tim DeChristopher, as Bidder 70, disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah. His actions and 21 month imprisonment earned him a national and international media presence, which he has used as a platform to spread the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action in order to create a just and healthy world. Tim used his prosecution as an opportunity to organize the climate justice organization Peaceful Uprising in Salt Lake City, and most recently, the Climate Disobedience Center.
KBOO Community Radio
Friday, April 8, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
KBOO Community Radio
Friday, April 8, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9am-2pm
Learn to identify common native plants of Oregon. Workshop includes going out into field, pizza and refreshments!
Register online here:
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9am-5pm
The Earth Day Natural Death and Burial Symposium will be a day-long program exploring natural burial, family-directed funerals and rituals of remembrance. The day will include three workshops, a film, conversation, site tours and lunch.
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Friends of Trees is excited to continue our partnership this season with the City of Tualatin and Clean Water Services. We will be planting native trees and shrubs and removing invasive English ivy from the trees along a new section of the Tualatin River Greenway in celebration of Tualatin Arbor Day! The Grand Opening of the Tualatin River Greenway Trail will be happening later in the afternoon. Please join us in celebrating trees and trails!
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew Follow our signs and use the trail entrance on the East side of Best Buy. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
This planting is part of the Tree For All campaign which has planted over three million native plants in the Tualatin River Watershed in the past decade! Clean Water Services, Friends of Trees, thousands of volunteers, other non-profits, city partners, and private landowners will be working together this season to continue the success of this program.
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Special thanks to Portland General Electric for generously sponsoring this event.
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Join Friends of Trees in celebrating Arbor Day with the City of Oregon City by helping plant at local park or schoolyard. Details to come, so please check back! You can expect the event to run like our other events:
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 7:30-9pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier, March 11, 2016‐April 10, 2016 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (5340 North Interstate Avenue), Portland, Oregon (Fridays and
Saturdays) at 7:30 pm (Sundays) at 3:00 pm. Special Talk Back discussions with playwright, Kermit Frazier, and others following performances on March 20 and March 21st. Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King,
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us on the south side of Powell Butte Natural Area along the Johnson Creek floodplain to mulch native trees and shrubs and remove invasive species in partnership with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks & Recreation with support from East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District and Metro.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9-10am
Join volunteers for this monthly Second Saturday Cleanup in Northwest Portland. Pick up litter from NW Vaughn to Raleigh, NW 22nd to 26th. Coffee/tea and pastries hosted by Food Front on their front terrace. Come dressed for the weather.
Register online here:
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 10am-3pm
During this daylong workshop, Sewell Lecture speaker, Tim DeChristopher, will share integrated and multifaith strategies to prevent climate change and environmental injustice, combat poverty and restore dignity to both people and the planet.
Tim DeChristopher, as Bidder 70, disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah. His actions and 21 month imprisonment earned him a national and international media presence, which he has used as a platform to spread the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action in order to create a just and healthy world. Tim used his prosecution as an opportunity to organize the climate justice organization Peaceful Uprising in Salt Lake City, and most recently, the Climate Disobedience Center.
$40, includes ticket to lecture
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 North Interstate Avenue, Portland, OR, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9am-noon
Get dirty, breathe fresh air, meet new people and make an impact on stream health and forest diversity! Celebrate Earth Day with a tree planting and invasive English ivy removal. Come out and enjoy the grand opening celebration of the Tualatin River Greenway Trail! Tools, gloves, snacks, and guidance are provided. Please wear sturdy shoes or boots and dress for the weather. Activities include: None, Grand Opening Ceremony of the Tualatin River Greenway Trail following the planting event.
Register online here:
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, April 10, 2016 from 3-5pm
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217, United States
PassinArt: A Theatre Company is pleased to announce its upcoming production of Smoldering Fires by Kermit Frazier,
Tickets information available at (Students, seniors, and group rates available.)
“Smoldering Fires is an amazing drama that applies the ideas and struggles of the civil rights movement to contemporary city life. Kermit Frazier’s Smoldering Fires allows us to view the world through the eyes and spirit of our youth. The youth of today are not just dealing with the racist conflicts of the 60’s; they are wrestling with the violent attitudes of their own communities’ ‐i.e. guns and drugs that amass the ever present delinquent elements of their surroundings. In this play, youth takes a stand in taking their community back against the odds of being out‐numbered by their peers.” William (Bill) Earl Ray, Director
Smoldering Fires features local artists Eric Harris Jr., Ajani Hopkins, Kenneth Dembo, Shelley B. Shelley, Timaya Hepburn, Nena Uke, Sami Yacob‐Andrus, Quante Coles, James Hill Brooks, Ronald Smith; and directed by William (Bill) Earl Ray.
“Oh, be fiery. By all means be fiery. Fiery in your words, your nonviolent actions. Fiery in the way you learn and grow. Stay on fire with determination and the drive for change.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you have any questions you may email Jerry Foster at passinart@yahoo.comor call (503) 235‐8079.
This production is made possible in part by the Collins Foundation, WillaKenzie Estate, Ronni Lacroute, James F and Marion L Miller Foundation, Regional Arts and Cultural Council, and the MRG Foundation.
Monday, April 11, 2016 at 9am through Friday, April 15, 2016 at 4pm
9am through Friday, April 15 at 4pm
PDX Permaculture
Monday, April 11 at 9:00 AM
The hearth is the heart of the home. When you burn wood in the colder months, you are releasing the heat and light that trees have captured and store...
KBOO Community Radio
Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 9pm through Friday, April 15, 2016 at 2am
9pm through Friday, April 15 at 2am
Two set concert with Portland’s premier World Beat band Wamba
Members: Nii Ayi Armah-Percussion & vocals Alex Addy- Percussion & vocals adam carpinelli- Guitar & percussion Wilson Carr- Bass Josh Conneran- Drumset Malcom Lewis- Tenor Sax
Co-sponsored by Bio-Safety Alliance, Soil Not Oil Coalition, NW Alliance for Alternative Media & Education, KBOO Community Radio 90.7fm, Obo Addy Legacy Project
Youtube Video: Kako-
Drumming Peace-
Wamba Facebook Band Page:
This show is 21 and over.
KBOO Community Radio
Thursday, April 14, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
KBOO Community Radio
Thursday, April 14, 2016 from 7-9pm
Who Are My People? is a documentary film on the current and controversial topic of the build-out of large scale renewable energy in the deserts of the West. The LA Times indicates we are at a "Flashpoint" between competing value-systems. Bodies have been exhumed and geoglyphs destroyed in an area that is a long-term indigenous settlement. WHO ARE MY PEOPLE? depicts how the world's energy firms have met their match in a small group of Native American elders, in the hottest desert on the planet. The film takes us behind the scenes of two of the largest solar projects in the world, "fast-tracked" by US renewable energy policies.
Director Robert Lundahl, Alfredo Figueroa and friends will host a ‘free range’ conversation with audience members drumming, dancing and sharing stories
KBOO and the Clinton Street Theater have partnered to bring you a monthly film series about....well, it could be about radio, or about anyone of the many programs that KBOO airs--politics, labor, human rights, and, of course, lots of music.
A new film or event every second Thursday of the month, so stayed tuned to the radio and check back on the website, because you never know what might be happening month to month.
KBOO Community Radio
Friday, April 15, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-1pm
Families are welcome to help the Friends do a Spring cleaning in the trails and garden areas in the park.All ages and ability levels are needed.We have tools and gloves and provide donated refreshments for all. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal, Litter Cleanup, Native Planting, Maintenance & Monitoring, Trail blazing and path paving.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-1pm
This year the park needs invasive species removal, possible nesting box installation and inspection of existing ones, litter patrol, and maintenance of riparian tree and shrub plantings. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal, Litter Cleanup, Native Planting, Maintenance & Monitoring.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
In our continuing effort to maintain and improve Errol Heights natural areas, we will be removing invasive plants and litter. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal, Litter Cleanup.
Register online here:
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us at Dharma Rain Zen Center to mulch native trees and shrubs that were planted this past winter and remove invasive species! In partnership with the Dharma Rain Zen Center with support by East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, Metro, and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Friends of Trees is honored to be part of the third year of plant revegetation work occurring in this neglected parcel of Northeast Portland.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The tree care event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/tea/coffee, as well as gloves, tools, and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy, closed toe shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503)595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
Drop in for our regular Saturday 'freelance' work parties to become a steward of our beloved natural area: Forest Park! Volunteer Freelancers will take a short hike to one of our various sites and work off-trail removing English ivy. This is a DIRTY job so come prepared in grubby, long-sleeved clothing and boots. We'll provide gloves, tools and snacks.Volunteers will meet at the Lower Macleay field house located at 2960 NW Upshur St. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
Restore a beautiful nature park that has been overcome by English Ivy and other invasives. Tools and gloves will be provided, just bring sturdy shoes and a friend. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal and Litter Pickup.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
In time for spring, neighbors can sort through their homes and yards and bring unwanted items to the Kerns and Buckman Community/Neighborhood Associations’ annual Community Collection Event for disposal. Bins tend to fill quickly so try to show up early in the event. Those items not immediately disposed will be set aside in a free area of reusable items that anyone may take home with them. Accepted Materials. Bulk waste (please, no food waste or household garbage), yard debris, furniture, small appliances, metal, tires, and e-waste (including computers, cell phones, LCD monitors, printers, and other electronics). Materials Not Accepted.* Alkaline batteries, lithium/auto batteries, fluorescent bulbs, large appliances (washers/dryers/ranges/refrigerators/air conditioners/water heaters), exercise equipment, paint,** construction debris, wood, concrete, dirt, Styrofoam, hazardous waste, or anything flammable. *For disposal options of unaccepted materials, please check the Metro website. **Paint cans without lids and dried paint are acceptable. Prohibited materials, not covered by METRO's disposal voucher program include all hazardous waste materials, all construction, remodeling or demolition materials. EXAMPLES OF HIGH RISK MATERIALS SUSPECTED OF CONTAINING ASBESTOS: Flooring: vinyl tiles, vinyl sheet, mastic, Walls: plaster, decorative plaster, Siding: cement siding shingles “Transite”, Ceilings: acoustical tiles, popcorn” and spray-on texture, Insulation: spray-applied, blown-in, vermiculite, pipe, HVAC and lagging, Electrical: wire insulation, panel partitions, Other: fire doors, fire brick, fire proofing.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
Linnton Creek is a principle stream in Forest Park, one of the main trail heads in the north end of the park, and its confluence with the Willamette River will have a new lagoon, as part of the the 27 acre Linnton Plywood Mill site's restoration as animal habitat (a Superfund mitigation site). We are restoring the creek trail head, removing ivy and blackberry, planting natives, and installing an interpretive sign, trash can and custom (and amusing) dog waste bag dispenser designed by noted artist Ivan McLean. Part of a broad effort to eliminate dog waste from the park, this site is particularly important as the creek will flow into a new lagoon designed as a resting place for salmon fry, where clean water will be crucial. At the moment the main effort is ivy removal and the planting of almost 300 native plants. Hot and cold beverages, pastries, tools and gloves are provided. We'll be having a celebration of the project's completion in June. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal, Native Planting.
Register online here:
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9am-noon
Come join us for Global Youth Service Day at a family friendly park beautification, habitat enhancement and outdoor recreation event. This project is led by youth to teach stewardship and instill the spirit of volunteering. Hillsboro Parks and Recreation will provide all of the tools, supplies, water, and work gloves needed for the project.
Register online here:
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
350 Pdx
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 3-4pm
Come hang out with other 350PDX folks and find out what's new with 350PDX. Food and drink will be available for purchase (please note: McMenamins does NOT allow any outside drinks)
350 Pdx
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 3-4pm
Come hang out with other 350PDX folks and find out what's new with 350PDX. Food and drink will be available for purchase (please note: McMenamins does NOT allow any outside drinks)
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 6pm through Sunday, April 17, 2016 at midnight
6pm through Sunday, April 17 at midnight
Performers include:
Augustana Church Jazz Quartet w/Marilyn Keller, NW Women in Blues Showcase featuring; Sonny Hess, Rae Gordon, Vicki Stevens & True Blue Lady Kat; Roseland Hunters w/LaRhonda Steele; Terry Robb; Steve Cheseborough; Tevis Hodge Jr.; Bloco Alegria Brazilian Percussion & Dance Troupe; Norman Sylvester Band featuring Shoehorn, Lenanne Sylvester, Sarah Billings & the Mad as Hell Doctors.
Silent Auction, Dinners for Sale, 2 Bars, Dessert & Coffee Bar, Community Village of Information Tables
The campaign for Universal Healthcare for every citizen is growing around the United States. Our local organization : HEALTH CARE FOR ALL ~ OREGON has brought the movement to the stage for an outreach & fundraising mega concert.
KBOO will be broadcasting LIVE from this venue.
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 10am-4pm
Bring a truck! We'll be cleaning up the alleys and bagging trash, etc. in the morning. In the afternoon, we will be driving loads of trash, etc to the Metro Central Transfer Station. While we have long-term visions for improving the alleys to contribute to sustainability and livability, the alleys have short-term needs to be cleared up after a year's worth of normal debris accumulation in these semi-neglected spaces. Activities include: Litter Cleanup, Community-building.
Register online here:
Sunday, April 17, 2016 from 1-4pm
Young Fruit Trees & Berries: Planning, Selection, Planting, & Care
Sunday April 17th, 1pm - 4pm
SE Portland, Pleasant Valley neighborhood
April is a good month to plant fruit trees and berry bushes. Learn which types are the best to grow in the sun, shade, and containers. Emphasis on: organic methods, easiest to grow, most productive varieties and techniques, sustainability.
In this informative workshop you will learn the basics of fruit tree and berry selection in order to choose an appropriate variety for your space. This fun workshop will be an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the various factors one should consider when selecting a fruit tree or berry plant for a given site. We'll do some hands-on planting together and participants will also learn some basic steps for young (0-4 yrs) tree and berry care.
About the instructor:
Jeffrey Harrison holds an M.A. in literary theory and has tutored writers of all ages at Street Roots, PCC – Rock Creek, and in online services. His landscape contracting company is in its 7th year of providing consultation and building services to enhance native ecology, beauty, and sustainability. He has also provided education and leadership to volunteers at Portland Fruit Tree Project for the past 4 years through the Tree Care Teams program. He enjoys writing poetry and songs to sing and play on his guitar.
This workshop will be hosted by one of our registered tree owners in SE Portland, Pleasant Valley neighborhood.
The location address and other details will be provided after you register.
Register at:
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, April 17, 2016 from 2-4pm
Portland Actors Conservatory, 1436 Southwest Montgomery Street, Portland, Oregon, United States
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Sunday, April 17, 2016 from 2-4pm
Jeans Farm (registered visitor access only) (3707 SE Johnson Creek Blvd., Portland, OR 97222)
PDX Permaculture
Sunday, April 17 at 2:00 PM
Bee Tours are a great intro to see and know bees as closely as you’d like … out in the open ... or behind abee-proof screen. Get close views of how t...
Price: USD 20.00 per person
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join in Portland Parks & Recreation removing invasive non-native species, including English ivy, clematis, and Himalayan blackberry. Invasive species removal restores wildlife habitat and to encourages native species regeneration to prevent erosion and water run-off. Please wear long thick pants, a long-sleeved shirt and sturdy shoes. Bring a water bottle, rain gear and sunhat. Instruction, tools, gloves, water, coffee/tea and KIND Snacks provided. This is a family-friendly event and all ages are welcome but children must be supervised by an adult. Activities include: Invasive Plant Removal.
Register online here:
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 5-7pm
TOMS Portland is celebrating Earth Day 2016 by pampering the Pearl District Neighborhood with a litter pickup! Join us in cleaning up our city, having a great time and connecting to the community. You won't want to miss our fun contests: “Most trash gathered” - wins a pair of shoes, “Most cigarette butts gathered” - wins a pair of sunglasses, and “Weirdest piece of trash found” - wins a bag of TOM's coffee! Enjoy beverages and free snacks! TOMS SHOES store located on W. Burnside St. It's bound to be a smashing time! Activities include: Litter Cleanup with supplies provided.
Register online here:
KBOO Community Radio
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 7-9pm
Critic and film historian Jonathan Rosenbaum has said IMAGINE THE SOUND “may be the best documentary on free jazz that we have.” IMAGINE THE SOUND is an eloquent tribute to a group of highly celebrated artists that helped forge the avant-garde jazz of the 1960s.
Focusing on four important and celebrated figures (Cecil Taylor, Archie Shepp, Paul Bley and Bill Dixon) allowing them to reflect on their careers and those around them that, in many ways, defined the sound of '60s jazz. Plus, there's music. The music in this film is brilliant.
KBOO Community Radio
Thursday, April 21, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Friends of Trees
Friday, April 22, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us at Happy Valley Park to mulch native trees and shrubs planted this winter and to remove invasive species. This event is in partnership with the City of Happy Valley.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The tree care event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/tea/coffee, as well as gloves, tools, and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy, closed toe shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503)595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
KBOO Community Radio
Friday, April 22, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 8am-5pm
Be a part of the largest Earth Day event in Oregon on April 23! SOLVE IT for Earth Day supports Oregonians in taking care of our neighborhoods, parks, and natural areas. Our activities are a fun, easy way to get outdoors, meet your neighbors and make a difference for Oregon by joining a litter cleanup, removing invasive weeds, or planting native trees and shrubs. Only you can ensure our state is kept clean and healthy. Get involved today at or call 503-844-9571 ext. 332 or 1-800-333-SOLV for more details.
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us at Rose Creek next to Oregon Trail Elementary to mulch native trees and shrubs planted with the students this winter and to remove invasive species. This event is made possible with support from Clackamas County' Service District #1's River Health Stewardship Program.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The tree care event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/tea/coffee, as well as gloves, tools, and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy, closed toe shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503)595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 10am-5pm
PDX Permaculture
Saturday, April 23 at 10:00 AM
Stay tuned for announcements about this year's location for Portland's Earth Day event. Also visit
KBOO Community Radio
Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 7:30-9:30pm
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, April 24, 2016 from 11am-5:30pm
The 4th competition of the Mad Bro Xtreme Amateur Games is a Skate Comp. Cash, and prizes will be awarded. Winners are allowed to compete in the final.
The Games consist of 10 competitions For BMX, Skate And scooter riders of all ages throughout this year . There are three levels for all ages , Beginner, Int. and advanced.
Sign up online at or at the Skate Park.
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, April 24, 2016 from 2-4pm
Portland Actors Conservatory, 1436 Southwest Montgomery Street, Portland, Oregon, United States
The Amish Project - by Jessica Dickey and directed by Beth Harper -mines the toll taken on humans faced with a tragedy that rocked an entire community and the profound forgiveness of the Amish after a lone man shot 10 Amish children ages 6-13 in their schoolhouse.
Tickets available at
Monday, April 25, 2016 from 7-8:30pm
In the fourth and final presentation of ONDA’s High Desert Speaker Series in Portland, ONDA Stewardship Director Ben Gordon will reveal some of the most spectacular (and shockingly overlooked) areas of Oregon’s signature wild and scenic river: the John Day.
From Sutton Mountain to Spring Basin and the lower John Day, Ben will share what makes these lands an unparalleled place worth protecting for generations to come.
The event will take place at Portland's First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Avenue in the Park Blocks. The event is free and open to the public. Space is limited, please register on Eventbrite to reserve seats.
KBOO Community Radio
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 from 6-8pm
"Kwame Ture Talks about zionism being Africa's enemy." Kwame Ture, formally known as Stokely Carmichael, gives a talk on the zionist movement, the difference between zionism and Judaism, and the role zionism plays in destabilizing the African liberation movement and why.
The All African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) is hosting its annual discussion events as a way of informing discussion about the worldwide struggle for Pan-Africanism, which we define as one unified socialist Africa. We believe Pan-Africanism is the key to the problems facing over 900 million Africans who are scattered and suffering in 113 countries. We also believe Pan-Africanism is our contribution to the worldwide movement for peace, justice, and scientific socialism.
Also, don't forget that the A-APRP feeds children every Monday and Friday at Colombia International Cup Coffee Shop in N. Portland. Look for us to expand our work with other local organizations in New Columbia to help build an independent African school there. Contact us at for more information.
Here is the list of future screenings:
Wed, May 18th - "A Message from Women in Gambia" Smith 333
KBOO Community Radio
Thursday, April 28, 2016 from 7-9pm
Film screening, presented by Oregon Jericho.
Why: $5-10 sliding scale donation* Nobody turned away for lack of funds
*Donations support the defense funds of imprisoned whistle-blowers Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond as well as the Portland Community Mesh-Networking Project.
Join us for a film screening of “We are Legion” here in Portland, OR. This film by director Brian Knappenberger takes us inside the complex culture and history of Anonymous, the notorious hacktivist collective. This film features interviews with current and past members of Anonymous, writers, academics and other major players in the hacktivist scene.
The film will be followed by a facilitated discussion by Veterans for Peace and the founder of will talk about his work on the revolutionary, new, peer-to-peer, web protocol IFPS.
Co-Sponsored by: Veterans for Peace Chapter 72, Oregon Jericho, Portland Anarchist Black Cross, NW Alliance for Alternative Media & Education
For more information:
Film Trailer:
Chelsea Manning Support:
Jeremy Hammond:
Facebook Event Page:
Friends of Trees
Saturday, April 30, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join Friends of Trees to help revitalize Hall Creek in the heart of Beaverton. This event is part of a broader creek restoration project being completed by the City of Beaverton to improve water quality and beautify the area. We'll be mulching all recently planted trees and shrubs to prepare them for survival during the warmer summer months!
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Friends of Trees
Saturday, May 7, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us at Jack City Park to mulch native trees and shrubs that were planted this past winter and remove invasive species!
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The tree care event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/tea/coffee, as well as gloves, tools, and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy, closed toe shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for individuals or groups of 4 or fewer -- you can simply show up!
This event is in partnership with the City of Tigard and Clean Water Services. This event is part of the Tree For All campaign which has planted over three million native plants in the Tualatin River Watershed in the past decade! Clean Water Services, Friends of Trees, thousands of volunteers, other non-profits, city partners, and private landowners will be working together this season to continue the success of this program.
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503)595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Saturday, May 7, 2016 from 1-4pm
PDX Permaculture
Saturday, May 7 at 1:00 PM
Join organic farmers Teague and Mel of Winslow Food Forest for the first of 3 seasonal tours on May 7th. We will lead you through our lush forest gar...
Friends of Trees
Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us as we mulch hundreds of native trees and shrubs that were planted this past winter! Our Tree Care events help to ensure the highest level of plant survival through our dry summer months. This project is in partnership with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks & Recreation and is supported by the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District and Metro.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for groups of 4 or less.
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 from 6-8:30pm
Spring Tree Care: Pest & Disease Management/Fruit Thinning
Tuesday May 17th, 6:00pm - 8:30pm
SE Portland, Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood
In this hands-on workshop you will learn the basics of springtime pest and disease assessment and fruit thinning to increase the health and abundance of local fruit trees! This fun workshop will be an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the different types of pests and diseases commonly found in the Portland area as well as the importance and how-to of fruit thinning. If you have samples of pest and/or disease affected fruit, leaves, or twigs - please bring them to the workshop in a sealed container so we can try to ID them
About the instructor:
Heidi Noordijk studied horticulture at Michigan State University and Cornell University - specializing in pomology (tree fruits). Heidi has participated in research projects involving apple tree physiology, berry production, and tree fruit entomology. Heidi has also worked on various orchards and farms in the PNW and east coast. Heidi currently works for OSU's Small Farms program.
The location address and other details will be provided after you register.
Register at:
KBOO Community Radio
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 from 6-8pm
"A Message from the Women of Gambia." Youth women organizers for the All African Women's Revolutionary Union and the All African People's Revolutionary Party speak about organizing for Pan-Africanism in Gambia and Africa.
The All African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) is hosting its annual discussion events as a way of informing discussion about the worldwide struggle for Pan-Africanism, which we define as one unified socialist Africa. We believe Pan-Africanism is the key to the problems facing over 900 million Africans who are scattered and suffering in 113 countries. We also believe Pan-Africanism is our contribution to the worldwide movement for peace, justice, and scientific socialism.
Also, don't forget that the A-APRP feeds children every Monday and Friday at Colombia International Cup Coffee Shop in N. Portland. Look for us to expand our work with other local organizations in New Columbia to help build an independent African school there. Contact us at for more information.
Friends of Trees
Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 9am-noon
Join us to mulch native trees and shrubs that were planted this winter as well as remove invasive species including Himalayan Blackberry and English Ivy. These activities help to ensure the highest survival of our newly planted native trees and shrubs as well as help to protect the existing tree canopy.
Please arrive around 8:45am to be registered and assigned to a crew. The event will start promptly at 9:00am. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, and get ready to have fun!
Friends of Trees is excited to partner with Portland OIC, Portland Parks & Recreation, the Columbia Slough Watershed Council, and Friends of the Children's Arboretum with support from the Port of Portland, East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, and Metro to restore a part of one of NE Portland's "hidden gems": the Columbia Children's Arboretum!
Looking to volunteer as a group? RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people - click HERE to do so. RSVPs are not required for groups of 4 or less.
Please contact Jenny or Randi at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!
Sunday, May 22, 2016 from 1-4pm
Spring Tree Care: Pest & Disease Management/Fruit Thinning
Sunday May 22nd, 1pm - 4pm
SW Portland, Washington County, off Canyon Rd
In this hands-on workshop you will learn the basics of springtime pest and disease assessment and fruit thinning to increase the health and abundance of local fruit trees! This fun workshop will be an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the different types of pests and diseases commonly found in the Portland area as well as the importance and how-to of fruit thinning. If you have samples of pest and/or disease affected fruit, leaves, or twigs - please bring them to the workshop in a sealed container so we can try to ID them.
About the instructor:
Heidi Noordijk studied horticulture at Michigan State University and Cornell University - specializing in pomology (tree fruits). Heidi has participated in research projects involving apple tree physiology, berry production, and tree fruit entomology. Heidi has also worked on various orchards and farms in the PNW and east coast. Heidi currently works for OSU's Small Farms program.
The location address and other details will be provided after you register.
Register at:
KBOO Community Radio
Sunday, May 29, 2016 from 11am-5pm
The 5th competition of the Mad Bro Xtreme Amateur Games is a BMX Comp. Cash, and prizes awarded.It will be held at D-block Indoor Skate Park. In Portland OR. Winners are allowed to compete in following competition and the final.
The Games consist of 10 competitions For BMX, Skate And scooter riders of all ages throughout this year . There are three levels for all ages , Beginner, Int. and advanced.
Sign up online at or at the Skate Park.
Friday, June 3, 2016 at 7pm through Friday, June 10, 2016 at 10pm
7pm through Friday, June 10 at 10pm
PDX Permaculture
Friday, June 3 at 7:00 PM
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information about this year's projects, speakers and performances!