Event Details
10am to 6pm at Engine Yard. Event description on ActivateHub and on Calagator. Please RSVP via EventBrite so we can plan accordingly!
Thanks to Engine Yard for being rock star hosts!!
Non-Tech Tasks and Tech Tasks are outlined below……
Tech Tasks for the Day
Priorities to Actually Launch Alpha include:
* Limit event list to show a maximum of 5 events per day, with a “Show More” option to see full event list for the day
* Same story as above, but on the calendar view. Our Full Calendar jquery plug-in, viewable at sanfrancisco.activatehub.org Optionally, build a better calendar view from scratch, likely in Angular.
* Fix tagging system 1. Enable both “Topic” and “Type” tags at every stage of import.
* Fix tagging system 2. Ensure events associated with an organization are automatically tagged with Topics associated with that organization.
* Ensure organizations enter contact info. Likely twice – publicly viewable volunteer contact, and web master or other contact info for ActivateHub administrator.
* Ensure duplicate imports are not occurring from Google calendar feeds.
Other Tasks to Include:
* Fix UI – top nav bar needs some redesign.
* Fix venue listings. Venue listing should show events occurring at that venue. Venue imports that match existing venues should not create duplicates.
* Enable a view screen for past events, not just future.
* Social media sharing and exporting of events, importing to personal calendars.
* Embed codes. Organizations should be able to filter the calendar by topic, and embed this filtered view in their site.
* Enable comments on events.
* User log-in – required for editing or deleting events.
GitHub Repo activate/ activation_calendar
Pivotal Tracker (kind of a mess right now, apologies)
Non-Tech Needs
* Documentation! Photos / video / blog posts.
* Word press site that needs much love, including recap of the day, team bios, and a few extra pages.
* Wire frames: screen shots of the site dolled up to reflect immediate changes and future visions
* Social media: both to promote Activate, but more importantly, we stealth pull FB feeds from fake FB & Gmail accounts, more of which need to be set-up
* T-Shirts, Buttons, Stickers: the day I get a co-founder, we’ll launch an Indie GoGo. I’d like to know I already have designs and a source selected for these items.
* Research. Part of the expected revenue will come from selling a replica event aggregator site and set-up service to Universities, cuz every college campus should have an automatically populated event calendar of student groups and campus life. But I need to research this market size and any competitors more thoroughly.
* Organizing Gmail, ‘cuz my lists are crazy and I need help. And because, why not.
This is a super exciting project, garnering a lot of interest that extends far outside of Portland. And of course, we believe it will have far-reaching social impact, and, ya know, save the world. We’re excited to meet you and hope you can learn, have fun, and be a part of the movement!