“Coder Day of Service” with Code Montage in Brooklyn, NYC

ActivateHub.org was selected as a project for participants to contribute to during the “Coder Day of Service” hackathon.  The event is Saturday, January 18th, in Brookly, New York, organized by Code Montage.

For those participating in that event:  we THANK YOU!!!  Below you will find relevant information about ActivateHub, and how to contribute.

ActivateHub is a filterable, aggregated event calendar for civic engagement and activism. Discover the events, organizations and people impacting your community!  Any organization or grassroots organizer can add themselves to our wiki-like, city-specific listing, sync a calendar (iCal, Google calendar, Meetup or FB page) - then all their events continuously appear on our calendar, tagged with appropriate topics.

Developer “Task” Link - we selected specific issues in our GitHub issue tracker for this event, labeled with ‘Coder Day’. More issues are available if you de-select the ‘Coder Day’ label filter.
You can find instructions on setting up your developer environment here.
Non-Dev Info and Additional Links:
Non-Developer Participants are Encouraged to Add their Favorite Orgs and Sync their Calendar Feeds to NYC.ActivateHub.org
ActivateHub.org - Visit our Word Press home page, then select a city to experience the application.
Why ActivateHub is an important resource for Social Change (Video): http://activatehub.org/videos-why-activatehub-how-it-works/
How to Add Organizations and Sync External Calendars for Import to ActivateHub (Video Tutorial): http://activatehub.org/adding-events/
During the event, direct questions to Daniel, our Technical Lead, on the ActivateHub IRC channel, on Free Node.
Pre & Post event, Questions can be directed to Lindsay@ActivateHub.org